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新闻动态 > 信息列表 > 英国SEVEN PLUS浴室护理用品

英国SEVEN PLUS浴室护理用品
来源:本站 发布时间:2015-05-18 21:38:22


英国SEVEN PLUS护理品牌---“享受沐浴的艺术”。


SEVEN PLUS 取自天然 用之自然

SEVEN PLUS已成为英国最受欢迎的个人护理用品品牌之一。

With the growing demands of customers, SEVEN PLUS has grown into a personal care brand step by step and has been well-known in the UK with its main

SEVEN PLUS - Cedar Blossom 雪松系列 A New Fashion 全新的时尚

SEVEN PLUS Cedar is a new fashion and a perfect combination of charm, enthusiasm and confidence, which will be beyond expectation and close to perfection.
  SEVEN PLUS雪松是一种全新的时尚,将清新活力和极其优雅的成熟魅力完美结合,热情与自信融于一体,超越期待,臻于完美。


  SEVEN PLUS - Herb & Flowers 花草诗语 Neroli 橙花系列

  SEVEN PLUS最初是SPA沙龙中使用,吸引了大量的忠实用户。 随着客户需求的不断增长,SEVEN PLUS逐渐成为在英国广为人知的个人护理品牌,其理念是“享受沐浴的艺术”。 SEVEN PLUS非常注重产品的原料品质,他们认为,经由花木中提取的植物精华,拥有纯正的香味,能够带给使用者最纯粹舒适的体验,因而坚持在产品中使用最天然的原料。 经过多年的发展,SEVEN PLUS凭借超高人气和卓越贡献,成为了英国最受欢迎的个人护理用品品牌之一。

  SEVEN PLUS花草诗语苦橙系列是一种复杂的木本广藿香配方。


Rose 大马士革玫瑰系列
Mirroring the beauty of nature


SEVEN PLUS - Herb & Flowers 花草诗语 Blue Lotus 蓝莲花系列
Mirroring the Beauty of Nature 镜像大自然的美
Holy pure Egyptian blue lotus blooming in the moonlight, the dreams and reality staggering in stack, make you feel totally fascinated and lost.
Not only does it give you a better bathing experience, but also lure you into a fantastic dream.
Blue Lotus Series make you enjoy the mystery, beauty and ubiquitous flavor of freedom.


  SEVEN PLUS - Tea 茶语系列 Welcome Home 欢迎回家
  茶多酚的强大的的抗氧化剂能带来自然修复;柑橘、橙子、柠檬令你倍感滋养和舒缓。 一壶好茶,静品浅啜。
  SEVEN PLUS茶语系列,为奔忙的都市人送上一份简单真挚的问候。 芬芳萦绕指尖,宠爱自己的感官

  SEVEN PLUS - Gentleman 绅士系列 时光流转 时尚潮流来来去去,我们对于品质的苛求和对品味的追寻始终未改变,这就是为什么我们庆祝我们心爱的经典:绅士。剥去了三千世界的华彩,留下简约、低调、舒适、真我。
  Seven Plus绅士系列会持续关注当代社会经典风格的发展历程,永远陪伴着崇尚经典的精英们。

SEVEN PLUS - Sandalwood 檀韵系列 Feel Good 感觉很好
Simple earth tones add a sense of mystery to san dalwood and respect for the true nature.
Unique aroma of wood creates an unforgettable spiritual world,just like paradise out of the world. You will learn the elegance once smelling. SEVEN PLUS Sandalwood Series, more than enjoyment.

  简朴的大地芬芳色调为檀韵增添了一抹神秘,崇尚自然本真,独特的木质芳香营造出物我两忘的心灵世界,宛如世外桃源般纯净;闻香知雅意,SEVEN PLUS檀韵系列,不仅仅是沐浴。


SEVEN PLUS - CC 系列 Eternal Moment 永恒的瞬间 Less is more.
Classics, purity and nature create minimalist of SEVEN PLUS CC Series.
Black and white classic blueprint perfectly presents freedom and vastness of the inner hearts of modern elites. CC, like an one-way journey without
boundaries, heads towards their dreams with leaders of freedom to discover the new world.


  少就是多。 经典、纯净、自然,造就了SEVEN PLUS CC系列的极简主义;

SEVEN PLUS - Scence of Fruit 缤果系列
Just Fruits

Capturing the luscious honeyed scent and sun-ripened fruit,the most loved fresh and zesty scented flavor of fruits creates a range of bath products

bursting with the simulating scent of fruits. 
Scence of Fruit Series give skin delicate moisture and delicious smell.



After the Rain 雨后
Magical moments before the storm, freshness and quietness after the rain,Fresh cool mint, accompanied by Moroccan cedar and fresh eucalyptus, shine in the sun,stirring soft heartstrings, just like an unintensional glancing back. The gap of relaxation and stretch establishes a perfect balance between throbbing vitality and sophistication elegance.


  风暴来临之前的神奇瞬间,雨后的新鲜和宁静,在阳光下闪闪发亮。劲爽的薄荷伴随着柏木和桉树的清新,恰似纵身间的无意回眸,拨动柔软心弦。 这一张一弛的间隙,于活力悸动与优雅练达之间建立绝妙平衡。


  SEVEN PLUS 一路呵护您。。。。。。